Thursday, December 4, 2014

What is the social justice according to child welfare?

Social justice is a system which ensures all people are given their basic human rights. Many people feel as though they are not receiving the justice they are entitled to, like people of color, gender, age, or religion. However, I feel as though some children are going unnoticed who have been neglected, mistreated, abused or abandoned. Of course we have social workers fighting for children however children do not have a voice, unless we can be that voice for them. We are responsible for them. We provide food, shelter, healthcare, and education for children and we need to make sure they are getting the best. They are our future and we can give them the tools they need for a bright future.
Some children are receiving all the best care they could ever ask for, but some are not duet o the fact of financial issues. I wonder what the future can hold for students who lack the tools they need to be happy, healthy and successful. Also, I wonder about what we can do to help these children?

Thursday, November 20, 2014

What is meant by enviornmental education?

According to the United State Environmental Protection Agency, environmental education "increases public awareness and knowledge about environmental problems or issues. In doing so, it provides the public with the necessary skills to make informed decisions and take responsible action." For children receiving an environmental education, they are given skills to identify and help resolve environmental changes.

Today, we live in such a fast paced, instant society. We forget sometimes to stop, look around, and appreciate the world in which we live in. If you look, its a beautiful place. But, all over the world, forests are being cut down, beautiful coral reefs are being destroyed, animals are becoming endangered, all because we have forgotten we need these things for our earth to survive. If we keep destroying our environments, our will not be able to sustain itself. Who knows what could happen?

It is our job, as future educators, to incorporate environmental education in all forms of education. Not all learning should be able nature and the environment but some of it should! We need to teach younger generations about environmental issues like pollution, global warming, and harmful deforestation. We should remind them of the beautiful world what we live in, make them critically think that if all of our beautiful nature was gone, what would our world look like? We need to encourage them to make good decisions, and try to resolve these environmental changes, to save our planet!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

What Does Multicultural Education Really Mean?

When you think about multicultural education, what comes to mind? Well, there can be many different aspects of this concept. It could mean learning about other cultures, or different countries around the world. To me, it means that in a classroom setting, or in the real world, people are working together, learning about each other, understanding each other, to make life simpler...a learning experience....a comfortable, friendly, healthy environment. I think that in the year 2014 going into 2015, it is important for us, as human beings to responsible for our own learning of things that are different than us. Because in reality, we are not all the same. The United States is made up of people who can be extremely different than the person sitting next to them. By understanding each other, we are creating peace. I think everyone could use a little more peace in their lives... in the world!
As a future teacher, I hope to help young children to begin to do this. According to the National Association of Multicultural Education, multicultural education "affirms our need to prepare students for their responsibilities in an interdependent world. It recognizes the roles schools can play in developing the attitudes and values necessary for a democratic society. It values cultural differences and affirms the pluralisms that students, their communities, their teachers reflect. It changes all form of discrimination, in schools and society, through the promotion of democratic principles of social justice."
I hope to someday try my best, to teach students to be open and understanding of one other and continue to follow what the above quote says to instill in my students who are also the future people of the world and teachers to their students someday too.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Who is Christopher Columbus? Why should we learn about him?

When I was younger, and most of you can relate, I learned about Christopher Columbus every year in history class. When Americans today are asked who this man was, they might respond by saying "He was a brave explorer who sailed across the Atlantic and discovered the New World, and proved the world was not flat." It's funny because this is what we were taught and this is what we know to be true, however it is not. By continuing my education, and learning more, I have learned that what I was taught in elementary school was not correct. In college I learned that at that time, no one thought the world was flat in 1491. Columbus knew the world was round, and the Queen of Spain even knew the world was round. In fact, I believe the Ancient Greeks had figured this out thousands of years before Columbus' time.
When it comes to the "fact" that Columbus discovered the New World, I now know that Leif Ericsson found the New World around 500 years before Columbus. Columbus did however, mark the age of a new era when he came to the New World. What they also don't tell us in school is that during this process of conquering the new world, Columbus' main priority was gold. With his greed, came a lot of mistreatment of Native people, like enslavement, torture, rape, and murder. Yet, this man has his own federal holiday as an American tradition.
When I learned all this information, I was shocked, and wondering why we would ever be lied to in this way. As a future educator, I believe that students should know these details about Christopher Columbus. I believe that being truthful to students is learning. Even today, Americans can think thatt Native American people are part of the past but they are living with us today with a lot of their old traditions and beliefs. In fact, I am deeply fascinated with the Native American culture and research it quite often. In the article "What Not to Teach About Native Americans" by June Dark Heinrich, is says, "Today, about two million Native Americans live in what is now the United States, many on reservations and many in cities in towns." Basically, Native Americans are people who make up our society, just like you and me, just like the children in our classroom and they should be acknowledged and respected.
I think that if we teach our children the facts and the truth about Christopher Columbus, children will learn and be aware of other things. In the article "We Have No Reason to Celebrate an Invasion" Susan Shown Harjo says, "Explaining the unpleasant truths about Christopher Columbus, does not take away from the fact that he was able to lurch over these shores in three little boats. In fact, it gives the story of Christopher Columbus more dimension. It also makes it easier for kids in school to accept not only Columbus, but other things." I couldn't agree more. For example, if teachers can be more open with this topic, then they can be more open to Martin Luther King Jr., and go into learning more about his other speeches, ones that weren't so positive and give a more true light to what was going on during that time. Like I said previously, with more truth, comes more learning.
I believe I can make a difference in my future students learning by teaching them the truth, how it really is in the world. I want my students to do research, and do hands on learning. I want to push them to be more culturally aware of the things that surround them, or even may be hidden, like the Native American culture. That way, my students will be more knowledgeable, and ACCEPTING.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Why Teach?

In this weeks lesson of class, we read and discussed many different aspects of why teachers go into teaching in the first place. I began to ask myself, "Why do I want to teach?" I love children and I love Art. My goal within the next few years is to become an Art Teacher. My double major is Early Elementary so I will have that degree as well. But why do I want to do this? 
I believe that sometimes children are grown up in a very structured environment and are very rarely able to express themselves in the way they want to. Children can be very smart, they will learn their times tables and all about history and science, but there comes a time of day when children just need to be able to relax and learn and express their individuality. I want to be part of this. I was once a student who disliked school and rarely ever paid attention. As a creative and artistic person I would have loved to been able to get the chance to be myself, and let this creative side of me show. 
In an online article called "The Advantages of Having Art in Elementary School" by Van Thompson, she says, "Art provides children with an outlet for their emotions...Art can be particularly helpful for children who struggle with difficult emotions or family problems and those who have a hard time talking about their feelings. Art also helps children adopt different perspectives, which can play a role in developing social and emotional skills." I personally believe children should be given a chance to express their emotions throughout the day. An art classroom may be an enviornment where they feel comfortable enough to do so, and I want to provide them with that. Children are silly, and they deserve a time to be silly along with their educational development. However, this article also says that Art can play a huge role in cognitive and analytical skills, and I would like to provide them with that too.​

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Links for Art Education!

The link below briefly describes what Art Education is:

The link below is a fantastic article on why Arts Education is crucial in a child's learning development:

The link below is a website that includes many different lesson idea teachers can use for elementary aged children:

my first blog entry ever!

Hello :) My name is Kelsey Vaughan. I am 25 years old and currently a senior at Salem State University.  I am an Early Elementary Education / Art Education major. I look forward to sharing my ideas and gaining new ideas from all of you! I love Art and I love helping others. I want to be involved in educating children and helping them reach their full potential as kind, well rounded, expressive individuals!